Sunday, November 12, 2006

Walter Wittkowski

So my Opa died today. For the last few weeks he has been pretty ill and has been in the hospital. Today he took his last breath. Thankfully he went peacefully. He has had cancer that had moved to his bones so his prognosis was for a painful ending. Thankfully that did not happen. Opa was one He was very opinionated and his mouth got him into trouble on more than one occassion. I happen to be a lot like him. In fact they used to call me "little Opa"! I was his first grandchild and I look like him. I spent many summers with him and at times I am sure I aggravated him greatly with my incessant talking. He took me to Germany and while at the time I did not fully appreciate that I have come to realize it was one of his greatest gifts to me. He and Oma have gifted me over the years in many ways for which I could never repay. Their love, kindness and generosity to me and my family is something that I am sooo thankful for. Opa was my biggest supporter in going to Seminary and without him I could not have done it. He believed in me and prayed for me. My fondest memories of him are being at his farm. We would walk the fields together and call the cows. Riding on his tractor and baling hay are very special memories. Feeding chickens and mending fences. Sitting at the breakfast table with him and watching the National with Noltan Nash! Listening to Hymn Sing on Sundays and playing Yahtzee und Elfer Raus!!!!! Eating on those old TV trays. Sitting together at Christmas and hearing him tell the Christmas story to us and then asking us if we knew what it mean't. Drinking that white liquor out of those glasses and watching him lick out the glass. Watching him take the extra food that wasn't eaten and mix it together with the gravy to give to the dog. Opa sometimes would tease you. He often would go to far. But man I loved him! The sounds he would make and that twinkle in his eye let you know that he loved you. He couldn't always say those things but he showed in so many other ways. He loved Oma and their relationship has always been a great example to me. He was not the perfect man. He could be stubborn and hurtful at times. But he was a good man. He left a good legacy. He acted honorably and loved his family. He loved Jesus and had a personal relationship with him. AND Now he is walking in Glory where there is no more sorrow and no more sickness. I am proud of him. I am thankful for him. And I love him!


At 7:31 AM, Blogger Stew Carson said...

Thanks, Mike, for the reflections on your Opa. He sounds like an awesome grandpa. What a wonderful legacy he has helped author in and through you, as well as your cousins. Where there is much love there will always be much grief and loss. I believe that was part of the heart of Harry, and a reality for those who love deeply. "Grief is the price of love". My heart is with you in the loss today. Peace.

At 8:48 AM, Blogger EGB said...

Grace & peace, Mike.

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful to recal the wonderful attributes that speak into our lives. Not always are they all perfect but it is through those imperfections that we can find the inspiration to know that we as feeble beings can impact others as well.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Vanessa Sim said...

Well for me i now know what Michael will look like at 90 - Michael and Opa look alot alike - and i think I will actaully look somewhat like Oma - hun . . . that is kinda scary . . . however, in a "been together forever" kinda way it is cute!


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