Ministry that is Fun
The Fish Videos are a compelling story of how a local fish market that was struggling turned things around by creating an environment that is fun and still meets the purposes of what they are in business for. As I have spent hours watching these short vignettes I am drawn to how the wisdom of God is displayed in them. Having fun while being on purpose is what separates Great churches from ones that are just getting by. Why is excellent worship such a draw for people? Because it is fun! It's fun to praise God! It is inspiring to praise His name! Not all worship does this. But the worship that is fun to people.... draws them. Churches that intentionally try to be on purpose while having fun create an environment that is conducive to Life-change. Psychologists will tell you that you make your best decisions when you are feeling well. As I look back on my life I can speak with certainty that it is in the moments of life that I have been doing well
that I have made the greatest gains of growth. I have made some life altering and changing decisions when I have been at my lowest points, but it is when I have been inspired and enjoyed being in the prescence of God
that I have experienced great life-change.
The two biggest times for visitors and guests for most (if not all!) Churches, are the two times of celebration in the year namely, Christmas & Easter. These are both celebrations and times of fun where if you don't go to church all year you may happen to show up on these days. People invite people to celebrations. We invite people to that which is fun. You want people to come to your church if it is a happening place. What makes it happening, is that it is fun with a purpose. It's inspiring! Notice that we don't invite people to good Friday. That's not a fun day. It is not supposed to be. We need good Friday if we are really going to have something to celebrate on Easter Sunday. But make no mistake about it. Easter is the jump on point for people....not good Friday. I love good Friday and it's purpose, but if every Sunday was like that the Church would never have survived. Unfortunately many Churches act as if Easter Sunday never happened and it shows in their dwindling attendance and lack of inspiration. Easter Sunday is all about Divine Inspiration.
Not all fun creates life-change. I went to Disneyland a couple of years ago and let me tell you
Mickey did not change my life in any significant way. I am not more holier or in love with God because I had fun with Goofy. It is fun with a purpose that makes a difference. Having fun in the church can open us up to the deeper things of God. Fun can bring us to the place where we deal with the hurts and the things that are not fun. Fun gives us the time to go deeper and it is a gateway to the heart of God. When people don't have fun, they don't stick around and they miss out on going deeper. It's just a simple principle of human nature. So be on purpose and Have Fun!