Thursday, June 28, 2007


I am getting excited it is only a few more sleeps till I get to be with
my girl V. She is such a great mom and true friend. She kicks my butt
when I need it and generally has a positive attitude. She challenges me
to live what I say and to become the man I need to be. If you know us
you know that we are both strong personalities who are learning to
partner together. We both want our children to grow up in stable and
joy-filled atmospheres. We both recognize that our first ministry is to our
children to teach them in the ways they should go. I sometimes marvel
at how adept V is at raising the kids and I am thankful for her wisdom
and insight.
We also have fun together and enjoy many of the same things. Although
she does not understand my penchant for all things Star Trek, but she
will let me watch without giving me attitude. She even has encouraged me
to get interested in those dancing shows and of course BIG Brother. I
have never felt so supported as a person, as a father, and as a
potential mate. I feel loved.
I think what I bring to V is someone who is passionate for her. I find
her to be very beautiful and gifted. She compliments me well. I think
that I bring levity to our relationship and to life. I challenge her
assumptions and encourage her to move past when she is stuck (she does
that for me as well!!!) I support her and we partner together to do
things. Spending time together is a huge part of her love language that I
understand is important to her.
I confess that I am scared about this marriage thing again. I don't
want to make the same mistakes. I don't want to live like that again. I
don't want my kids to see that. That is not what I want to model. This
time around is much more different than the first. I am going into this
with my eyes wide open. I know I am not perfect and neither is she. But
she is willing to look at her "stuff" just like I am. She is willing
to work on our relationship and devote time to it. I am prepared to do
the same. I know that our relationship is far from perfect but we have
the building blocks to make it something special. We owe it to ourselves
and our children to make that happen.

Friday, June 22, 2007


"The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

A friend is one with whom you spend time just enjoying the breeze. A friend is one you work with and play with and tell your story too.

True friends go the extra distance with you and they really don't have to be asked.

Someone once said that a true friend will tell you when you have something in your teeth or toilet paper hanging from your pants.

We all need friends. Teach me Lord to be a true friend.

Friday, June 01, 2007

It has been a long time since I have blogged about anything. This is mainly due to the fact that life is very busy right about now. V and I have been in the middle of renos and we have ripped up the house, put in new floors and kitchen cupboards as well as a bathroom vanity and a new comfort toilet. V and I have been working tirelessly at this project and have had help from various sources: A big THANKYOU to Randy Clark, Henry Sikora and Pastor AL and Jim P for all their help and hard work! V and I put in the lino in the bathroom and the new porcelin god. It was quite an experience! People say that doing renos together can tear a marriage apart. Well they don't know V and me! We have enjoyed working together and we do better as a couple when we are serving and doing thigs that matter. I am so blessed to have found her. She has blessed me in so many ways and encourages me to continue on and gives me the kick in the ass when I need it. I am grateful for my hunny whom I am marrying in just 4 short weeks!!!! YAAAA!!! Now we have to figure out a honeymoon. I am sure we will work well together on that trip.