Friday, September 28, 2007

Uncommon Logic

“Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” Unless of course you happen to live in Canada where the needs of just “one” can overrule everyone else. Why is that? It’s called “political correctness”.
The United Way raises funds every fall and every fall the kickoff to United Way is heralded by the smell of popcorn in Canada Place. However, this year the popcorn machine has fell silent and odorless to the chagrin of many. You see, all it takes is for one person to complain and a $10,000.00 charitable moneymaker goes bye bye. That’s right someone complained that the smell of popcorn gave them a headache and now no one gets to have it and the UW looses out on $10,000.00. Personally, I would like to tar and feather the person who made this asinine decision. But it just goes to show you what our world has come to. My kids can’t take peanuts, citrus, and other assorted stuff to school because little jonny has an allergy and what if he happened to ingest some. Well maybe little jonny’s parents should tell him not to eat other kids lunches. We have a teenager who is deathly allergic to eggs but we do not expect the world to revolve around him. Since he was a child he was expected to ask, and if unsure not to touch or eat the stuff he was unsure of. The responsibility was on him not on society. We are raising a generation of people who think that society should police everything and that the individual needs to take no responsibility. That thinking is doomed to fail.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

What kind of Friend am I????

I have been thinking a lot lately about my relationships and friendships? Just what kind of friend am I? What kind of friends do I have? Who are the people that are attracted to me and want to be my friend? I guess at the prodding of my wife I am looking at my relationships more closely. Who do I care about? Who really cares about me? Who are the friends that take an interest in my life and am I doing the same with them. Over the years I have had many close friends with whom I have spent a lot of time. Then as time goes by we seem to drift away. Is this the normal course of realtionships? Or am i just the kind of person that engenders or engineers these types of relationships. I would say I am still friends with these people but we see each other occassionally (mostly at my request) and somehow it is different.
As I think about it I realize I have no male "best friends" these days.
Vanessa is my best friend as it should be and that is great, but....I can't help but think that its not good to be in this space. And yet at the same time I dont want to start up another friendship or renew an older one only to have it fizzle out in a year or two. There is one person that I have been reconnecting with and it is good but he has lots of support and friends and I am really just a benchwarmer. I am not feeling sorry for myself I am just looking at this objectively. I don't feel sad about it. There is part of me that feels like this should bother me and I am slightly disturbed at my apathy. When I was younger I was never at home. I always wanted to be out and doing something with my friends and now that I am older I love being alone and having time to read. I don't know. I just don't know. I know what "Mens Ministries" would say. They would say that I am a typical man who has no close relationships. That I don't understand my feelings and that I need to have the accountability that comes from hanging with other men. Well I say that is a "buttload of crap". First off, hanging with men does not make one accountable. Secondly, I am one of the most "understand your feelings" kind of person that I know. My wife sometimes thinks I am a chick its sooo bad. I think I am just rambling now and really am not getting any answers. So I will leave it and come back to this theme again later.

Friday, September 21, 2007

It Ain't Easy

It Ain't Easy
You think it's easy, you think it's plain
You think the frown upon my face
Implies the faggot knows his place
And it's that easy
You think it's easy, it's in the plan
You tend to hide the way you hate
I represent the reprobates
And it's that easy
But the world is changing faster than you know
I can sense your consternation as it grows
You deny the history of who I am
Take your comfort in the fact you'll see me damned
To spend eternity in darkness and in fear
Cause it ain't easy, you're too afraid
To take some ownership and try To find a way to compromise
Cause it ain't easy
You don't see what kind of monster you've become
You don't understand that love is all you've shunned
You're avoiding lessons learned in days gone by
Paranoid perpetuation of the lies
About the nature of the beast you see in me
In this world of doubt, in this world obscene
You waste your time obsessed with me
It should be easy, it should be plain
But though you speak of higher love
It's up to me to rise above
But it ain't easy

Lyrics and Music - Andy Northrup © 2003 R New House Up North Publishing.