Friday, June 23, 2006


"Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is remembering to take out the trash!"
Dr. Joyce Brothers

This weekend I have the privelege of doing a wedding for a couple whose parents are friends of mine. In reading and rereading my notes for the ceremony I am reminded the awesome task that lies ahead of this couple. Keeping love and a relationship on healthy grounds is not an easy task. I was telling a friend this last week that what most people (Christians in particular) do not realize is that the ones who hate divorce most are the ones who are divorced. No one goes into marriage thinking it won't last. But time and pressure and absence of heart along with a whole host of other things contribute to the breakdown of relationship. I have learned that to combat this breakdown you have to both want to go and to grow. Relationship happens in the context of "doing stuff". Find what you are passionate at and do that together. Do everything together. I have made many mistakes but I hope that I have learned from them and that my tomorrow will be glorious!


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Vanessa Sim said...

who ever knew that the marriage thing would be so hard - you are right . . . who ever thought when they said "I DO" that eventually it would turn to "I DONT". I like what you said at the wedding you did yesterday - "Fight the urge with everything in you to take each other for granted". I did not always do that well and want to learn from my mistakes. and people think its scary FIRST time round - think how us potentiall 2nd timers feel!!!!!

At 4:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are true words, Brother Preacher!

However... I think this day and age... people ARE actually wondering when they get married, "Will it last?"

I'm single, never been married, and it frightens me almost to death when I think about marriage... and even more... divorce.

Seeing my parents go through it, and Vaness go through it, and many others... I feel sometimes that maybe this is my portion too, and I sure as heck don't want none of it!!!

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Vanessa Sim said...



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