Parenting Teens in 2010
Parenting teenagers is perhaps the most difficult thing I have ever done. It is really not as straightforward as it once was. When my teens were pre-schoolers I just had to make sure they ate, were clean and got to bed on time. Come to think of it – I still have to do all that! As teenagers they now seem to think that their opinions somehow count on all sorts of topics. They know everything and I know nothing. When they ask for help they argue with you about why your suggestion is not acceptable. Oh for those days of yesteryear when they simply would take my word for it. Now they are called for supper and come when they are good and ready. And their opinions generally turn to the negative on “why did you cook that?” They expect you to drive them and their friends everywhere and to pay for it all without so much as a thankyou! It makes me think that we may need to have some kind of intervention here. They assert their independence in so many inappropriate ways. Perhaps I was like that as well. But these days they have so much more that influences them. Cell phones / texting/ internet/ X-Box live….all of these things plus a lot more contend with our kids hearts. They are exposed to more violent and sexual images everyday than I ever was. It is no wonder that our world has the issues with sexual addiction and teenage pregnancies. Our only hope is to pray and pray hard. One thing that I am learning in life these days is to talk with people and to “invite” their cooperation. In dealing with my teens, I have to constantly remind myself that they are people who are becoming young adults and that to invite their cooperation works better than demanding their respect. I could use some help in that regard, but I do want to get better at it. Ah hell, just do what I say and not what I’m doing! JK! LOL!!