Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bubble Boy

Do you know a Bubble boy? I do. I define the bubble boy as a person that lives in their own little bubble or world and rarely peeks out to observe the world around them. There are many people who live inside the cocoon of their own perspectives, religions, philosophies, genders, sexual orientations and the list goes on. To me one of the most perplexing bubble boy personas is that of the Christian Bubble. Don't get me wrong. Not all Christians live in this bubble. Only some do. They hang with Christian friends to the exclusion of others. (They do not have friends with those who do not identify with Christianity). They talk Christian talk. They write Christian Blogs. They preach Christian platitudes. And really don't understand the majority of us who work and live in the real world. Sometimes I see the Christian bubble in sermons I hear or blogs I read or people I speak with and I think to myself: "Wow...you got to be kidding me! Are you for real? Do you have any concept whatsoever about the real world and what people are facing?" Jesus was certainly not about being in the bubble of Christianity. He was about being with real people. Doing real things. Not just playing church or ministry. I was reading Job the other day and Jobs friends remind me of Bubble people. The talk Christian talk but they missed the whole point.


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